Monthly Archives: June 2008

John McCain Stole the Prize Contest for Electric Cars from

In July 2007 my favorite Presidential candidate Frank Lynch invented a national contest to develop far better batteries for plug-in electric cars that would achieve Energy Independence, lower the price of gas, and create a new techologically advanced industry inside America which we could export to the entire world for profit. At the same time this would reduce the absurd amounts of taxpayer funding that the other candidates propose flushing down the toilet for alternative energy versions that are much less effective.

And especially, Frank Lynch’s contest would be a way to publicuze the probelm and the solution to focus the American people on the subject.

Frank Lynch posted and publicized the contest at and it was swarmed by Democratic Party professionals and also by Republican professional staffs.

THE MEDIA IGNORED IT but the party professionals swarmed it and then banned Frank Lynch from the Democratic Presidential debates because they feared that the power of his ideas as set forth in Frank the Futurist’s Top Ten List would have tremendous popular appeal. They also banned Frank from appearing on key state Democratic primary elections so that it would be impossible for him to conduct a national campaign.

Then the Dems plagiarized items from the Top Ten list but had to modify them so as to not upset their constituents.

For example, they took Frank’s Free College based on total reform of education and perverted it into a $4,000 per student tax credit coupled with zero reform so that it, in effect, becomes nothing more than flushing billions down the broken toilet of a broken educational system and permits the educators to become even more bloated overpriced, corrupt and ineffective.

But back to the plug-in car contest.

Isn’t it amusing that John McCain and the Republicans are so lacking in ideas that they have to steal from obscure Democratic Presidential candidates/

And isn’t it even more amusing the the Barack Obama, the Democratic presumptive nominee, is not smart enough to have stolen this idea when he has stolen Free College and Universal Healthcare from Frank Lynch?

Support Frank Lynch and his ideas! He has been forced out of the Democratic Presidential race by the corrupt state party staffs arbitrarily excluding him from the primary ballots, but his ideas can still be expounded and spread by supporting Frank Lynch University at

Frank Lynch University is dedicated to reforming our broken and failed educational sstem and solving our shortage of 3,000,000 math, science, engineering and medical teachers.