I Am So Excited Barack and Michelle Relieve Their Stress

Poor Barry and Michelle had so much stress from their first three weeks in the White Castle that they just had to take a three day holiday.

What stress they suffered. People had the audacity of hope to ask what was in the 1,071 page $787 billion “stimulus” package besides $3 billion of dildos for ACORN. No that is not unkind. Since we cannot find out what is in the package before it becomes law, we just have to look at pictures of ACORN gatherings and speculate on what they would most want. . .other than cocaine.

And the stress of finding enough Democrats who did not cheat on their taxes or get wiretapped by the FBI to fill the cabinet. Talk about an impossible dream!

How did they relieve the stress? By chomping down gentrified soul food prepared by Oprah’s former chef!

I just love affirmative action. Smile!

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