Tag Archives: life

Sonia Sottomayor Supports Racial Discrimination

Judge  Sonia Sottomayor ruled that there was absolutely no merit to the racial discrimination claim of white and Hispanic firemen who passed a written qualifications test and were denied promotions solely because they are not Black.

She refused to hear the case, and did not even write an opinion!!

A Hispanic judge on her appeals court was so outraged that he wrote a lengthy opinion critical of her.

Judge Sottomayor is the epitome of  Obama’s America: like Obama she was raised in a single parent home on welfare. Both her mother and Obama abused welfare. Obama grew up in an ocean view luxury high rise on food stamps. Sottomayor’s mother was a NURSE ie high paid and collected welfare and lived in free public housing.

Judge Sonia tried marriage and couldn’t stand having a man around and got divorced without ever having children.

So here we go: welfare cheat, single parent household,  probably lesbian, who believes whites can be discriminated against because they are white.

This is Obama’s dream choice for the Supreme Court.

God save America.

Fidel Obama is America’s New Barack Castro

No it is not a mistake: it is the truth because the two Commie dictators are so jumbled together you cannot separate their names let alone tell them apart.

The problem is we cannot get rid of either of them. Once the Commies take power they are there forever. Look at Hugo Chavez just changed the law so that Commie dictator can stay in charge of Venezuela as long as Castro stayed in Cuba, more than fifty years.


Castro sold Cuba’s oil field to Commie China, but where did the billions go?  Not to the Cuban people! Cubans still drive 1954 Chevys.

Obama will lead us into free health care but no cars to get us to the doctor! 

Listen to what the people want but Obama will not hear: Rick ?Santelli’s fabulous rant on youtube:


Octuplets Mom Nady Souleman Blasted by Her Father

The psycho souleman broodmare’s father told Oprah Winfrey that he questioned his daughter’s mental stability for having the octuplets.

On a sepearte note, a prominent child activist has filed a complaint with the State of Californiz against the psycho mom.

A noted in vitro specialist when asked by Dr.  Phil what medical standard this implanting of six viable embryos constituted, the independent specialist said “No medical standard the I recognize.”

We have got to get his license revoked

I Am So Excited Barack and Michelle Relieve Their Stress

Poor Barry and Michelle had so much stress from their first three weeks in the White Castle that they just had to take a three day holiday.

What stress they suffered. People had the audacity of hope to ask what was in the 1,071 page $787 billion “stimulus” package besides $3 billion of dildos for ACORN. No that is not unkind. Since we cannot find out what is in the package before it becomes law, we just have to look at pictures of ACORN gatherings and speculate on what they would most want. . .other than cocaine.

And the stress of finding enough Democrats who did not cheat on their taxes or get wiretapped by the FBI to fill the cabinet. Talk about an impossible dream!

How did they relieve the stress? By chomping down gentrified soul food prepared by Oprah’s former chef!

I just love affirmative action. Smile!

Roland Burris Helps Build the Legend of Illinois, Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln

Nogm emmanuelw we learn the Barack Obama’s successor in the US Senate, Roland Burris, committed perjury when testifying before the Illinois State Senate impeachment panel against Rod Blagojevich.

Barack Obama paid more than a hundred thousand in real estate commissions to Mrs. Blagojevich. So did Rahm Emmanuel.

Obama has been claiming he is just like Abraham Lincoln. Well Lincoln got so rich on corruption that Honest Abe bought newspapers so that he could force them to write favorable editorial comments to get him elected President.

So all Illinois politicians are corrupt.

The only difference is which ones get exposed when.

Keep watching Obama: I bet we get more surprises there.

Obama Supports the War in Iraq – What!!


Didn’t Barack campaign on ending the war in Iraq?

Oh yea, he campaigned for no lobbyists in his administration except. . .

And said Hillary had no foreign policy experience and then put her in charge of what . . .

Here is a terrific video on the meaning of Change You Can Believe in.

You must watch the entire video


Is it Orwell’s Ministry of Truth or the Return of James Carville

I am so glad the Obama has ushered in a new era of cooperation and has raised the level of politicial discourse. Be aware though, that only applies to people who agree with him and donate to him

My hero Frank Lynch is getting th wrong end of the stick because he wrote a couple of gadfly articles trying to hold Obama to his promises, which Obama seems to be forgetting only days after taking his oath of office, or after his second oath of office?

Just like the old days, pre-Obama, or should we call it the BOE, the Before Obama Era, like the liberals changed BC to BCE.

In the BOE liberals tried substituting their beliefs for documented facts and attacked people who said, Wait, the fact is.. .. ..

Read this post by Frank Lynch USA at this LINK and tell me what you think?

Blagojevich Wanted Butterball Queen Oprah Winfrey as Senator to Replace Obama

The Dems just keep on giving! Facing certain impeachment in Illinois, helmet hairded Blagojevich appeared on TV saying that he had been giving serious consideration to appointing Oprah Winfrey as the Senator representing Illinois.

Well, her ratings have been declining for a few years even though she has Dr. Phil’s show roping vieweres onto her channel. Maybe a Senate seat would help with her weight struggles.

After all the US Senate claims to be the weightier portion of our bicameral legislature.

Oh no!

Nobody start on camels!

Joan Brum Is Back

An old friend that I lost track of is back and is starting her new but super  wordpress blog at http://joanbrum.wordpress.com  Everybody give her a hand and put a comment on her blog

Barack Obama Has a New Love Affair

Who could be more compelling than Michelle. Oh no, not LGBT? But the love affair is a man.

In keeping with Obama’s multinational background, it is a Britisher, George Orwell, who wrote book about totalitarian control called “1984.”

In 1984 the government had a Ministry of Truth, analagous to today’s White House Press Secretary, who told everyone what the “Truth” was about today’s news, and about what to believe.

George Orwell Obama, gives new meaning to the campaign chant “GO Obama” Get the complete story on this LINK